WARNING: These products do not exist and scammers themselves host fake websites claiming to distribute these fake products. Please treat any product request or tender request for the following fictitious products with caution.
The modus operandi of these scams is to lure unsuspecting persons who have been sent fake tender requests, into searching for these products online and finding the scammers fake website listing on Google or other search engines. The victim then makes contact with the scammers number listed on the fake website and receives a quotation from the scammer. The victim then submits their tender offer to the scammers who initiated the fake tender and are later notified of being awarded the tender. The victim then goes off to order the cameras from the scammer with the fake website, pays a hefty deposit into the scammers bank account, and the victim never sees their goods nor money.
We urge you to please check the authenticity of the tender requests carefully. Here are some useful tips...
- The fake thermal product names listed in these scams are sometimes taken from a variation of known reputable electronic manufacturers names or brands, and an unrelated detailed specification thrown in which often makes no sense in thermal imaging technology terms, or is completely unrelated or incorrect for the product image that is being shown on the tender or website.
- If you suspect you have received these scam requests, please check the senders email address which is made to look as if it's from a Government Department, but on careful scrutiny of legitimate Government Department email addresses, you will notice the senders are different.
- Also look out for mobile phone number's and disposable email addresses on the tender which is a cause for suspicion, or mobile numbers as the only contact number for the fake website.
- You will also notice the search result usually only shows one website where the product is listed or can be obtained, that of the scammer, which is why they use modified brand names and model numbers so that their fake listing is unique and they rank at the top of the search results page for that search term.
- Check the address listed on the fake website against Google maps.
- You should also check the spelling and grammar used in both the tender request and the fake website, where you will mostly find this to be appalling and of very poor standard. Not something that you should expect from an established international manufacturer of thermal cameras.
- And lastly, should you have unfortunately fallen victim to these scams, please report it to your local police station.